
Rudolph Research Analytical - Refractometer

Rudolph’s Automatic Refractometers have the widest range available in the market. They can measure the BRIX and Refractive Index (RI) of solid and liquid samples, UAN fertilizer concentration, and urine SG. Whatever the applications—pharmaceutical, Petrochemical, F&B, Flavor, fragrance, and Alcohol industries—we have the perfect models to suit your needs.

Why Our Refractometer?

  • Scratch-proof, easy-to-clean, and sturdy prism (sample well) made of sapphire.
  • Smart Measure™ will tell you if the sample is enough and properly placed, and also if the sample well isn’t clean enough.
  • Trend Analysis™ display mode gives live reading to prevent measurements from going out of range unnoticed.
  • Rudolph offers a 20-year commitment to ensuring your instrument remains fully operational, making the long-term cost of ownership one of the lowest in the laboratory market. As of the publication date of this document, no other laboratory instrument manufacturer provides a similar guarantee of service and technical support for 20 years.
  • Highly configurable. From sample loading options, to be able to combine different instruments such as the refractometer or polarimeter to produce measurement routines on up to 240 samples. We can design a custom configuration just for your application.
  • Portable handheld model is available
  • cGMP/GLP calibration and printing
  • Traceable calibration standard. Either a NIST or UKAS standard
  • Windows OS and versatile communication capability

How to select an Automatic Refractometer model

The questions below will help you determine which model best suits your needs.
  • What is your application? Do you have standards like ASTM?
  • What is your RI (Refractive Index) range?
  • Do you need higher accuracy?
  • Do you need higher temperature control?
  • Are sample volumes limited?
  • Do you need 21CFR Part 11 compliance?
  • Do you need the trend analysis display (live reading)?
  • Do you need an automatic sample loading and cleaning system?
  • Do you need a portable handheld model?
 The differences of our Refractometer are only in accuracy, RI range, temperature control range, display modes, and sample cell cover options.
Instrument Models

This is our entry-level model. It has 2 types, HA (High Accuracy) and WR (Wide Range). HA has higher accuracy but a shorter range, while WR has a wider range but lower accuracy.

  • RI Range HA: 1.32-1.53, WR: 1.3-1.7
  • Accuracy HA: RI ±0.00003 Brix ±0.03, WR: RI ±0.0001 Brix ±0.1
  • No temperature control
  • No changeable display modes
  • No embedded Windows

J57 also has the same appearance as the J47 and HA and WR types too. But this model has temperature control.

  • RI Range HA: 1.32-1.53, WR: 1.3-1.7
  • Accuracy HA: RI RI ±0.00002 Brix ±0.01, WR: RI ±0.0001 Brix ±0.05
  • Temperature control range: 10-65°C
  • No changeable display modes
  • No embedded Windows

J157 has the HA and WR types too but it has embedded Windows and changeable display modes, from Smart Measure™, Trend Analysis™, and Load-and-Go™. Smart Measure™ indicates whether the sample is properly placed or the cell is clean enough. Trend Analysis™ gives a live reading while Load-and-Go™ offers a simple display. J157 also has a higher temperature control range.

  • Range HA: RI 1.32-1.53 | Urine SG 1.0000-1.0400, WR: RI 1.3-1.7 | Urine SG 1.0000-1.0400
  • Accuracy HA: RI RI ±0.00002 Brix ±0.01, WR: RI ±0.0001 Brix ±0.1
  • Temperature control range: 10-90°C
  • Changeable display modes
  • Embedded Windows
  • IQOQPOQ option

J257 has the same appearance as J157 but with a higher RI and temperature control range. It also has the 21CFR option.

  • Range: RI 1.26-1.72 | Urine SG 1.0000-1.0400
  • Accuracy: RI ±0.0001 Brix ±0.1
  • Temperature control range: 10-100°C
  • Changeable display modes
  • Embedded Windows
  • IQOQPOQ option
  • 21 CFR Part 11 option

J357 has the same appearance as J257 but with better accuracy.

  • Range: RI 1.26-1.72 | Urine SG 1.0000-1.0400
  • Accuracy: RI ±0.00002 Brix ±0.015
  • Temperature control range: 10-100°C
  • Changeable display modes
  • Embedded Windows
  • IQOQPOQ option
  • 21 CFR Part 11 option

J457 has several types. SC (Standard Config) is top left. FC (Factory Config) is top right, perfect if you want to put the display separately from the Optic Module. WC (Wall Mount Config) is bottom left, if your location has a lot of splash and liquid, this config is suitable. The last one is OM (Optic Module), which can be operated with a PC/laptop/tablet. J457 FC, WC, and OM have a higher temperature control range than J357.

  • Range: RI 1.26-1.72 | Urine SG 1.0000-1.0400
  • Accuracy: RI ±0.00002 Brix ±0.015
  • Temperature control range SC: 10-100°C, FC/WC/OM: 10-110°C
  • Changeable display modes
  • Embedded Windows
  • IQOQPOQ option
  • 21 CFR Part 11 option
J27 (Portable Handheld)

This portable handheld touchscreen model has internal storage of up to 3000 measurements. It is powered by a rechargeable battery, lasting 4-8 hours.

  • Range: RI 1.3-1.7 – Brix 0-100
  • Accuracy: RI ±0.0001 – Brix ±0.05 | Temperature: ±0.1°C
  • Temperature control range: 20°C or 25°C
  • Ambient temperature: 0°C to 35°C
J457CLR (Contact Lens)

Rudolph also has a Refractometer specifically to measure contact lenses, both soft and hard, as well as the saline solutions.

Consistent Pressure Measurement
Soft contact lenses experience a change in refractive index when the solution is pressed out of the matrix. The adjustable weight system enables the user to select the desired amount of pressure to apply on the contact lens, ensuring the same consistent pressure is applied each time.

Gentle Positioning
Soft contact lenses are prone to tearing and difficult to position accurately. The J457 simplifies this process by placing the lens holder low and directly in front of the operator, making it easier to position the lens with hands in a stable, supported position.

Small Measuring Spot (MIO)
While the standard J457 measures along a strip a few millimeters long, applications like contact lenses in saline, which have varying refractive indices, require a much smaller measuring spot. The MIO optics utilize a unique focusing system to achieve this smaller spot size.

Sample Cover Types

One of Rudolph’s advantages is the Temptrol™ technology where heating or cooling happens in both the sample cell and the cover. This way the sample has a uniform temperature.

CC or Concave Cover is the standard cover from J157 to J457 SC/FC/WC. It is not available for J47 and J57.

CP or Contact Presser is good if the sample is highly evaporative since it reduces the empty space of the sample cell. It also helps spread semi-solid samples evenly. This cover improves the measurement for samples like PET and glycerine. This option is only available for J157 to J457.

EC or Environmental Cover doesn’t have temperature control from the cover; just from below the prism. This is the standard for J47 and J57.

PTW or Pour Through Cover doesn’t have temperature control from the cover but it allows the user to pour the sample without opening the lid. This option is only available for J57HA, J157HA, J357, and J457 SC/FC/WC/OM.

ULV or Ultra Low Volume is perfect if you have a very limited sample. It can start measurement with a minimum sample volume of 10μL. This option is only available for J257, J357, J457 SC/FC/WC/OM.

Optional Accessories
  • Temperature Control Boost: upgrade your model temperature control low and high range
  • 21 CFR Part 11: Access level configuration, electronic signature, and password-protected files
  • Full IQOQPQ Validation
  • NIST traceable calibration fluids


First, you have to choose the models. Your accuracy, RI range, and temperature control range can help with the selection.

Then choose your sample cover options. Dual heating and cooling come standard from J157 to J457. CP, PTW, and ULV are also available as options.

Lastly, we also have some accessories and consumables if you ever need them like the NIST calibration standard, 21CFR Part 11, IQOQPQ validation, and temperature control range upgrade.


Refractometer Selection Guide Based on Industries
Rudolph Research Refractometer Selection Guide Based on Models
Rudolph Portable Handheld Refractometer
Refractometer, J457 Automatic Digital Laboratory Instrument from Rudolph Research
Refractometer, Temperature Correction & Control with a Rudolph J457
Understanding Temperature Controlled Vs Temperature Corrected Refractometers
J157 High Acurracy Refractometer from Rudolph Research
Rudolph Research J47 & J57 Series of Refractometers
Rudolph Research J257 & J357 Refractometers