Since its inception in 2000, the use of C-Cell technology has expanded rapidly, with instruments now installed in leading food businesses worldwide. Manufactured by Calibre, a UK-based company, C-Cell benefits from global support, including knowledgeable local distributors in select countries. C-Cell is a proud corporate member of AACCI, the International Association for Cereal Chemistry, and has become globally recognized as a precise method for measuring quality in bakery products.
C-Cell Timeline
Campden BRI (a leading food research facility) partnered with Warburtons (a global bakery leader) to develop an advanced Bread Imaging System. Scientists Stanley Cauvain and Martin Whitworth played key roles in creating a system that ensured consistent bread quality across Warburtons’ bakeries. Calibre was selected to commercialize the technology, enabling further projects to improve ongoing quality at Warburtons.
C-Cell was officially launched by Calibre in the UK, with the name derived from its focus on analyzing the cellular structure of bread. The system was quickly embraced by UK Flour Millers, with early models adopted by the three major milling groups. Later that year, C-Cell was introduced to Europe, where ingredient suppliers in the Benelux countries recognized its potential for researching and quantifying the effects of ingredients and improvers for both research and customer support.
The C-Cell system was redesigned to incorporate several enhancements, including compatibility with evolving software platforms. Increased marketing at international conferences and exhibitions in North America, Europe, and China resulted in new applications and expanded sales across various regions.
A leading milling and baking company implemented C-Cell across 10 of its plant bakeries as part of a revolutionary Quality Assurance program. The system allowed for centralized collection of production data, enabling quality monitoring and comparison across multiple locations. This not only improved consistency and product quality but also helped identify process issues earlier, leading to reduced waste.
Responding to customer demand, C-Cell underwent a significant upgrade to enhance its product and parameter analysis capabilities. A high-resolution color camera and controlled LED lighting were introduced, and software updates included custom calibration options tailored to specific customer needs. The ability to measure color proved beneficial for analyzing bread crumb and crust color, as well as detecting inclusions in bread and cakes.
Today, C-Cell retains its iconic design while offering improved precision and a wider range of software options to meet the evolving needs of the modern bakery industry.